Archive 2022
TEDxIIMUdaipur conducted its 3rd ever-flagship TEDx event on 26th November 2022. Keeping in mind the mission of TED, that is, “Ideas Worth Spreading”, the theme for this year was “Change is the Only Constant.” The purpose was to listen to the stories, journeys, and ideologies of people who see the world differently and add value to the lives of everyone.
The event was conducted in 2 phases. The Morning Phase and The Afternoon Phase. The Morning Phase included the talks of the first 4 speakers. Following lunch, the afternoon session included the rest 4 speakers to share their talks with the audience.
This year, 8 speakers from different places, lifestyles, and cultures were invited to grace the stage and share their journey and provide their invaluable inputs on the theme. The speakers were Ms. Tanvie Hans, Mr. Ashok Deshmane, Ms. Jasmina Khanna, Ms. Shivani Singhal, Maharaj Kumar Sahib Lakshyaraj Singh Ji Mewar, Ms. Saheli Chatterjee, Mr. Chirag Bhandari, and Commodore Varun Singh.
The speakers shared their journeys in their lives that moved the audience in an unimaginable way. The speakers shared how change has always been around in their lives and how important it is in this world.
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